About This Website


Eran Bineth founder cyberplace.org


This website offers a program that addresses cybersecurity from four main perspectives

  • Network communication, covering theory, security considerations and implementation of network communication protocols
  • Cybersecurity Programming, providing advanced Python knowhow to assess and implement cybersecurity solutions
  • Operating Systems, addressing hands-on algorithmics and functionality of modern operating systems
  • Network and Web Attacks, building intimate knowhow and experience of cybersecurity risks and their mitigation

Each of these building blocks is uniquely presented in four learning tracks

  • An online textbook, accompanying each topic with a detailed explanation, recorded audio, diagrams and annotated examples
  • An online course, featuring the online textbook accompanied by multiple choice questions and a progress assessment
  • An online video presentation, engaging audiences visually, simplifing complex ideas and enhancing message retention
  • A set of exercises and solutions, targeting problem-solving and teaching for understanding

You are welcome to visit the website "home" and "subject" pages, to subscribe and experience the complementary sample material, and to enjoy its paid content in full